KBMSoft has been developing applications for the App Store in iTunes since it opened in August 2008. Since October 2012 we have also been developing for the new Windows 8 platform and for Android. We have created several successful applications, including the first virtual hairstyler for the iPhone, and have more than 7 millions downloads from the App Store.
We are a designer and a developer, partners privately and professionally, and the real strength of KBMSOFT is the close cooperation between design and development. The two disciplines are closely connected, and a lot of interactivity gives much better results when it comes to app development.
We are located in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Feel free to send us your feedback and questions: info@kbmsoft.com
Henning Kabel
Software development.
I have developed SW for more than 25 years, including the development of embedded SW, desktop applications and mobile apps.
Since day one of the App Store in 2008, I have been developing mobile apps for iDevices. I have developed our own native apps written in Objective-C. This has given me a lot of experience with iOS as well as experience developing for and publishing on the App Store - including the App Store review process.
I have more than 10 years of experience with Microsoft .NET framework, developing desktop applications written in C# using Visual Studio. In my view, .NET/C#/Visual Studio is the best language and development environment available.
I also see a lot of potential in Xamarin’s cross-platform tools. They combine the best from .NET/C# and Visual Studio with the mobile world outside Microsoft. I am currently using these tools to work on cross-platform apps.
Gurli Behrens Madsen
Design and Marketing.
I am a creative individual with many ideas and a passion for art and design in all its forms. I have more than 20 years of experience with marketing and graphic design for print and web and have been involved in the app business right from the initial days of the App Store in iTunes.
My favorite tools are the Adobe software tools like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, but I am also very knowledgeable when it comes to Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, WordPress and CMS.